Did You Know All Of Our Units & Qualifications Are CPD Accredited?

That means all of our training resources are internationally-accredited and you can award your students CPD certificates for any qualifications or units purchased through us – no audits required!

What Does This Mean? →

Train Our Entire library Without Going Through An ASQA Audit

No Need To Add To Scope To Train CPD Qualifications And Units

Internationally-Recognised Professional Development Points

Simplify The Training Process And Deliver More Courses, To More Students

CPD Explained

Continuing Professional Development

What is it?

CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development and is internationally recognised. All of our training materials – units and qualifications – are CPD accredited, meaning our resources meet externally set benchmarks and standards. Using our training resources to train students will earn them valuable CPD points that will count towards personal professional development, authorised by the CPD Standards Office (CPDSO provider number 50115).

CPD points are recognition that a student has increased their skill levels in relation to their profession, and that their knowledge – both practical and academic – is up to date. This helps them stand out against their peers and shows their commitment to staying at the forefront of their industry.

How does it benefit students?

It shows their continued personal commitment to professional development, and that their skills and knowledge are as current as possible. A specific number of points are required to fulfil CPD membership requirements, and our training resources all count towards this total..

Our CPD accreditation means you can take advantage of the ability to train far more resources than you currently have on scope, instantly.

Find Out How →




Subscribe To Take Full Advantage

If you use our subscription package, you can instantly take advantage of our CPD accreditation and train all of our resources without ever adding to scope, and award your students CPD Certificates. Train more courses, train more students, and not an audit in sight!